Coach ▪️ mentor ▪️ Speaker ▪️ author

Coach ▪️ mentor ▪️ Speaker ▪️ author

Are you ready to TRANSFORM your LIFE?

I know you are a passionate women who has hidden passions.

You feel you cant speak out about what you truly want because you are fearful of judgement and ridicule.

Everyone sees you as the Mum, sister, wife, partner, friend, work college.

You spend your time cooking, cleaning, helping others, doing the kids run…THE LIST IS ENDLESS!

Inside you are shouting out..

‘‘I’m more than this!’’

You have scarified your life and now its your turn.

You have never felt like you have fully blossomed and don’t want to look back with regrets.

I know this because I feel you, this was me!

But I found a way and now I want to help you find your way too.

Welcome, I’m Victoria. Its great to meet you.

I’m a global, intuitive transformation specialist, with a passion and the ability to empower and influence positive change in women who feel suffocated and depleted, to being seen for who they truly are so they can achieve the life they desire and deserve.

For years I felt the same and learned that it was less painful and safer to keep quiet. But the danger is, as long as you don't feel safe to say what you really want to do, you're always going to be in this place, feeling frustrated, unfulfilled, bitter and resentful!

I realised I had to make a big personal decision for me to feel safe to share my desires and dreams.

Yes, it was scary, Yes I had to be vulnerable and brave, even when people were questioning what I was doing and to be honest, so was I!

So what makes me DIFFERENT?

My plethora of expertise and experience has allowed me to cultivate a remarkable ability to adapt and connect with people from all walks of life.

My back ground in Psychology, Neuroscience, Mindset and Resilience, has supported thousands of individuals. My wide-ranging skills have allowed me to work with a diverse group of individuals from education, addiction centers, NHS, private clients in business and life.

What sets me apart from other coaches is my intuitive approach to transformation.



Client Celebrations!


Victoria achieved exponential, personal transformation in just 4 weeks!

Victoria’s thoughts….

Victoria’s ability to understand and know exactly what my true aspirations are is incredible. My 4 weeks of self-discovery with Victoria has been life changing. I have built up my trust in myself and now ready to follow my passion to start my own business.


Claire winning the best HMO conversion at the Property Investment Academy Awards!

Claire’s thoughts….

‘I am so grateful to have Victoria supporting me through my life and business. She has taught me how to lead intuitively. I will be forever grateful. I feel blessed, times a million to have her as part of my journey.


Louise with her incredible, published book, ‘Activating Angels.’

Louise’s thoughts….

‘I cannot thank Victoria enough for all the support that she has given me and the confidence to step up and out to be seen for who I truly am. I am now so excited to start my own business off the back off this book and begin to help others.’