You Deserve As Much As Much As You Desire

I was having an interesting conversation with a client who (in their words) feels guilty that although they're happy and have a pleasant life with a successful business they want more!

They went on to share that people around them can't understand why they're not happy with their lot! Or to be grateful for what they have and wanting more is merely greedy!

This got me thinking because I want more, lots more!! But I don't feel greedy at all...or that I should's why....

Having a good life is undoubtedly a reason to feel grateful. But it's crucial to understand that gratitude and ambition are not mutually exclusive.

Feeling grateful for what you have does not mean you should suppress the desire for growth and progress. Acknowledging your blessings and aspirations can coexist harmoniously, enabling you to appreciate what you have while striving for what lies ahead.

Human beings are wired to seek personal growth and self-improvement. This inherent drive motivates us to learn, explore new opportunities, and expand our horizons.

By embracing this pursuit, you tap into your full potential, cultivating a sense of fulfillment and becoming the best version of yourself.

Remember, personal growth is not a betrayal of contentment but rather a catalyst for a more enriching life.

When you strive for more, you not only benefit yourself but also have the potential to positively impact the world around you.

Success and accomplishments can inspire and empower others, creating a domino effect of motivation and progress.

By pursuing your ambitions, you become a catalyst for change and embody the limitless possibilities that life offers.

Feeling guilty about wanting more often stems from societal expectations and pressures. However by challenging the notion that contentment means settling for what you already have, you pave the way for personal growth and reshape conventional thinking.

Embracing ambition becomes a means to break free from complacency and redefine what it means to lead a truly fulfilling life.

Having a good life provides a solid foundation for giving back and helping others. The desire for more can act as a driving force to create opportunities to make a positive impact.

When you pursue your ambitions, you are better equipped to extend your influence and assist those in need. By growing personally, you enhance your ability to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others.

So remember...

Feeling guilty about wanting more is a common but unnecessary burden to carry.

By embracing ambition and personal growth, you cultivate a mindset that enables you to appreciate the present while continually striving for a better future.

Your desire for more is not selfish, it's a reflection of your innate human potential and the countless ways you can contribute to the world.

My client went on to grow their business and in a short period of time, provides them with the financial freedom to give back!!!

What's your more?

With love and support

Victoria x


Choose What's Right for You


If You're Not Using Your Intuition In Your Business You're Missing A Trick