How To Start Using Your Intuition

All of my decisions now in life and business come from within me, by using my intuition.

This doesn't mean I don't seek support or help from others but what I know for sure, they will be the right people.

A few tips to get you going that's helped me!

1. Set aside quiet time.             

To access your intuition it's essential to create space for it. Make a habit of setting aside a few minutes each day to be alone with your thoughts. You can start with just five minutes, and gradually increase the time as you become more comfortable with listening to your intuition.

2. Pay attention to your body.      

Your body often gives us subtle signals when something is off or when it's not! Start paying attention to physical sensations such as tension in the chest, butterflies in the stomach, or tingling in the hands. These sensations can be cues from your intuition about a decision or situation.

4. Take risks.                                    

One of the best ways to build trust in your intuition is to take risks and see what happens. Start with small decisions, like trying a new restaurant or taking a different route home, and notice how you feel before and after the decision. Over time, taking small risks can help you build confidence in your intuition.

5. Reflect on past experiences.  

Think back to a time when you followed your intuition and it led you in the right direction. What did it feel like? What signs did you notice? Reflecting on these experiences can help you recognise when your intuition is speaking to you in the future.

Remember, trusting your intuition is a practice, it takes time and patience to develop.

With these tips and some commitment to yourself you can start to access your inner wisdom and make choices that feel true to you.

Hope this helps!

Let me know your thoughts and how you get on.

With love and support

Victoria x




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